15,000 Hits Post

Howdy! Wowza, we made it this far! Just a Toon writing some nonsense with clans, some random ideas for Toontown, and some guides and we made it so far.

Well obviously this place is pretty uninhabited posts and updates-wise, especially noticeable if you read the doodle post from May onward. But I’ll try. Momentum and motivation leave fast but I’ll update some things! Every now and then I’ve been adding some smaller updates to the Doodle guide, to add little tidbits of information, or fixing some wording. Gotta make sure everything’s crystal-clear and makes sense!

I’ll be a lot busier with other things though. I’ll still try to make content on here more often, but no guarantees it will be all that much.

I’ve been working on more stuff for you guys to read. It’s not a guide, but a Toontown story I’ve been working on. I’m also working on writing more guides, but those will probably come out sometime after the story. Can’t give any specific time, I can just say it’s happening eventually.
Another thing I’ve been working on is kind of theorizing potential explanations and answers to some mechanics in Toontown. Such as; “Where do the Drop gags come from?” Simply for-fun and imagination.

I’d like to thank all of you for being here with me, learning about Toontown together, and having fun!
Those of you here reading that I’ve met are very ToonEnough and kind Toons! I’m happy to share my guide and help other Toons learn and train Doodles together!

Special thanks to: Jellyfish Clan, Serval Clan, Duck Clan, Bitty, Bluebeary, Trixie Megamuffin, Tiana, and many more amazing Toons! Thank you all for helping and supporting the journey on this blog!